Depending on the type of blog you are running, there are various different means of obtaining income, some more efficient than others. Any blogger can analyze and choose which one of them fits best, and create the most useful combination to get the best out of his blog.
- Google AdSense is one of the most widely used, because of its simplicity. However, the income rate is often really low, and forces you to concentrate on a increasing the number of page views – this aspect makes AdSense more adequate for sites that have user-generated content and high traffic rates. Other programs such as Chikita, AdVolcano, BlogAds or Blogkits work in a similar manner, some containing ad brokering services.
- Direct Ad Sales – you can sell banners and text links on your blog directly to sponsors without any middlemen and it guarantees a good, healthy profit. Having a specially designed Advertising Page is sure to attract sponsors, and many of them will recognize the advantages of paying monthly in order to have their products on your blog. However, you can attract more sponsors with a well-known blog, so new sites will have difficulties in convincing sponsors to pay for their ad, so you will have to make efforts to gain their attention.
- Affiliate income and recursive affiliate income are a very good source of money, because you sell a product without delivering it or providing customer support.In Recursive Affiliate Income, when a costumer signs up with your affiliate ID you make a commission every time the costumer is charged to maintain his membership. A recursive affiliate program is the best type of affiliate programs, and you can obtain a steady income with commissions up to 75%. In one-time affiliate income, the products – for example conferences and workshops – pay out once, every time you make a sale.
- Text-link-Ads is a middleman company renowned for connecting advertisers with publishers via text links on their blog. It requires very little maintenance for the user: once the plug-in is installed, you insert a line of code where you want the text link, and Text-Link-Ads does the rest. It provides a steady income, but for smaller blogs doesn’t offer significant income returns.
- Paid Reviews demand effort from you, but also offer good cash. If you have the time and the talent to write good reviews, finding sponsors will be easy. It is the money-making procedure that requires the most effort from the blogger, yet good reviews can be charged accordingly.